Tuesday, September 29, 2009



  1. Rachel, I can see we would be a bad combination on a trip together because we'd both be hidden behind a camera! That is one of the things I love most about traveling, is capturing it on film. And you did such a great job of that. I love all the color in your shots. Great photos!

  2. Oh Rach, it was a trip of a lifetime. So glad we did it, and you are really great with a camera. Teach me? I could look at these all day.
    Thanks for sharing. And for making it so fun. It was a lifetime highlight for me, I had so much fun with you.....love ya. Where to next?

  3. I LOVE your last line,"If you want to have time, you'll have to make it" (or something like that). I love how you just had photos! What a trip! I also love that you are best friends with your brother. I look forward to reading blogs like that written by my children someday....


Photos of the FAMILY!